Stories of children and their loved ones
Félix-Antoine Robert
Cancer survivor

“To share our story is to keep hope.“ I have often heard my mother say that sentence when I was in treatment, and it was only many years later that I understood the whole meaning.

Félix-Antoine, cures from rhabdomyosarcoma.
Today, I’m 28 years old and I have gone through two cancers. I have become aware of the importance of physical and moral support. When we land in a world of hospitals, medical exams and chemotherapy, everything is going at a crazy speed and it is difficult to understand the extent of the situation. It’s easy to feel alone.

Félix-Antoine in football uniform.
Fortunately, simple gestures from those around us can make life easier. For example, I had the chance to continue my football season even during my treatments. No need to tell you that I was not in the front line, but at that time, being considered a full member of the team meant a lot to me.
Still today I get involved with young people with cancer, because I know how difficult their situation can be and how a support network can, for a moment, allow them to dissociate themselves from the disease.
J’espère marquer ses jeunes autant que certaines figures autour de moi ont pu le faire, que ce soit par un grand ou un petit geste.
I hope to make as big of an impact as some people had on me, on these young people. Whether it be by a big or a small gesture.