Stories of children and their loved ones
Raphaëlle Forget

April 28, 2008, I was diagnosed with a blood cancer, acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) when I thought I was in good health at the top of my 11 years of age.

Raphaëlle and her sister Marion in 2008.
I had to temporarily stop school and sports due to chemotherapy treatments and medication. However unlucky I was, I still was lucky enough to have the cancer that has the best healing rate: I had 85% chance of making it (a huge thank you to the research that has increased this percentage considerably over the last decades).

Raphaëlle in 2017.
Obviously, I am so grateful to the Charles-Bruneau Foundation, because without research I probably would not be here now. So, it is so important to raise awareness and raise funds so that all children with cancer can heal as I had the chance to. I am now in good health and I enjoy life as best I can.